Yantra 6.0

Technology for Change

Nov 30 - Dec 21

Yantra- International Robotics Competition

Technology For Change

The mission is to create platform that aims to encourage interdisciplinary cross-pollination among the creative and technical fields with a focus on learning and exchange. Each Edition of Yantra features Robotics competitions, workshops, art-tech exhibition and other multidisciplinary programs. Theme of the Yantra 6.0 is Technology for Change

There are following five major programs under the umbrella of Yantra 6.0 International Robotics Competition 2017.

NASA is developing the capabilities needed to send humans to an asteroid by 2025 and Mars in the 2030s – goals outlined in the bipartisan NASA Authorization Act of 2010 and in the U.S. National Space Policy, also issued in 2010.

Mars is a rich destination for scientific discovery and robotic and human exploration as we expand our presence into the solar system. Its formation and evolution are comparable to Earth, helping us learn more about our own planet’s history and future. Mars had conditions suitable for life in its past. Future exploration could uncover evidence of life, answering one of the fundamental mysteries of the cosmos: Does life exist beyond Earth?

Yantra Space is the main event for this year where first ever walking Robot competition will be organized. Yantra Space aims to send Human ( Walking Robot ) and Mars rover to explore the possibility of human life beyond Earth where Mars Rover in combination of Martian will gather the data about temperature, humidity, soil condition and Rocks particle by collecting the samples from Mars. This Journey is just the beginning of our exploration through Robotics and Automation in the space.

Yantra racer is designed around the story of culture at Belgium about pigeon racing. Where specially trained racing pigeons race, which then return to their homes over a carefully measured distance. The time it takes the animal to cover the specified distance is measured and the bird’s rate of travel is calculated and compared with all of the other pigeons in the race to determine which animal returned at the highest speed.

Drone often regarded as Mechanical Bird has very high capacity and DRONE TECHNOLOGY is increasing day by day in the world. Now same talking about Nepal here, also the drone technology is being used for the surveillance, movie making, surveying and 3D mapping. The main difficult task for the drone technology is the piloting. So for enhancing it here we are with the drone racing competition.

Yantra Akhada is designed around the story of Ghada War from the Hindu epic Mahabharata, where Duryodhana was offered to pick any of the Pandava brothers to fight against one-to-one with a weapon of his choice, with the winner of the conflict the victor of the war.

Duryodhana picks his nemesis Bhima. Despite Bhima’s physical advantage, Duryodhana had the better technique due to his devotion to his craft. After a long and brutal battle between the two disciples of Balarama, Duryodhana begins to exhaust Bhima, and nearly makes Bhima faint.

But Bhima was reminded of an oath he had taken after the game of dice to crush Duryodhana’s thighs. Bhima viciously attacks Duryodhana with a mace and strikes his thigh, mortally wounding Duryodhana and Bhima kicked his face insultingly, thus moaning the Duryodhana and Winning the Ghada War.

Yantra Akhada is a robot wrestling competition with a bigger version. Yantra Akhada is a destruction robot wrestling in which the two team will fight against each other for destroying each other’s robot. This event will able to give student knowledge about the programming, Mechanical design, Power management in the robot.

This is also an open competition, like a sumo wrestling, where robot has to push other out of game arena without human intervention as previous but this year there should not be any sensors used in the robots, only the image processing is allowed. So this increases the students programming capability and using the image processing help us solve difficult real-world problems at the real time.

Martyr’s Memorial ‘A’ Division League (Nepali: शहीद स्मारक ए डिभिजन लीग) (formerly known as the Kathmandu League Championship) is one of the top division of the All Nepal Football Association in Nepal. Contested by 12 to 16 clubs within the Martyr’s Memorial B-Division League. The seasons run from November to March with every team playing each other once and the top six teams reach the Super Six round, where the teams again play each other once. It is currently sponsored by Red Bull and thus officially known as the Martyr’s Memorial Red Bull ‘A’ Division League. The League was heavily affected by the April 2015 Nepal Earthquake, with play being suspended from late April. Now we are going to resume it this November the soccer played by the robots called “Yantra National League”.

“Competition pushes advances in technologies. What we learn from robots playing soccer or navigating a maze can be applied to industry and help us solve difficult real-world problems.” So the Yantra National League is mainly focused to the high school and Bachelor first year student technology and for introducing new technology to the school level for the future betterment.

Yantra- Art Tech Exhibition

The objective of this program in Yantra 6.0 is to create the platform for artist and engineers to collaborate and come up with a creative approach. The final work for art and tech exhibition would be to showcase, how the collaboration of technology and art could enhance the cultural exchange between Nepali Mithila artist, International visual artist and Engineers. Organizing team are working for the joint collaboration to showcase the cross pollination work of National and International artist.

Yantra Kids

Yantra has been platform for multidisciplinary sectors and prioritize involvement of Children in the pathway of technological. Our mission of technology transfer always focus on Kids. Design Challenge will be organized after giving hands on knowledge on design thinking, prototyping, tinkering through training and workshops on electronics components, coding etc. Design Challenge will be focused on changes that can be brought into society through technology.

Yantra Learning

Yantra Learning is one of the new program added this year under the umbrella of Yantra for Agricultural disaster response. It is a software competition where programmers develop software project that can make the Yantra (machine) learn from external environments, past data and patterns to take decision as per the current situation. The theme of Yantra Learning is to design and develop algorithms and softwares that can predict and alert about the possibility of upcoming natural disaster using present and past data in order to improve the productivity of Farmers, thus adding cherry to our theme “Technology for Change”

Yantra Incubation

Yantra has been the platform for showcasing the talents, competing against the fellow robot makers, experimenting the Art-tech integration and starting the new dimensions to the existing science with innovative practical ways. The winners of the International Robotics Competition has been awarded with the monetary value but not the next step. Yantra Incubation will break the traditional ecosystem of Yantra and give the winners and best project showcased during Art, Tech and Science festival to work for finding solutions to the local problems. The focus area would be identification of the feasible solution to the existing problem, developing a prototype, business model development and market analysis, mass product development and tech start-up. At least 3 projects will go through Yantra Incubation for one month.

Yantra Creative Computing

This is one of the innovative approach to have a productive interaction of professionals working in technology and those who are working in non-tech fields. The possible participants for this program would be artists, doctors, and bankers. The professional educators and makers would be conducting this session to encourage artists, doctors, and bankers to use technology for the effective execution of the tasks they are performing to explore the impact of technology in their day to day activities.

Yantra Workshops

  • Yantra Preparatory Workshops - I
    Walking Robot
    Course Details
    • Unit 1: Mechanism
      1. Bar and Linkage (design of four bar and linkage)
      2. Crank and shaft
      3. Rack and pinion
      4. Specific walking mechanism
      5. Linear actuator design
    • Unit 2: Actuators
      1. Electric actuator
      2. Pneumatic actuator (design of pneumatic system)
      3. Hydraulic actuator
    • Unit 3: Power Transferring Mechanism
      1. Gear and its type
      2. Pulleys, belts and its type
    • Unit 4: Joints and Coupling
      1. Revolute joint
      2. Prismatic joint
      3. Universal joint
    • Unit 5: Kinematics & Dynamics of Robot

    Cost : Rs.2000 per person || Rs.6000 per team
    Date : Aug 21 - Aug 22
    Time : 7:30 am to 12:30 pm

Yantra- Registration

  • Yantra Space
  • Yantra Racer
  • Yantra Manual Akhada
  • Yantra Automatic Akhada
  • Yantra National League

Call For Sponsorship

The Yantra Sponsor package provides significant exposure to all attendees before, during and after Yantra 6.0 Art, Tech and Science Festival. We will work closely with you to customize your presence on site, and align your brand with Yantra.
Please Fill this form as EoI for Yantra 6.0 Art | Tech | Science 2017 Sponsorship
Following are different packages of sponsorship for Yantra 6.0 : Technology for Change
  • Summit Sponsor
    Summit Sponsor
    • Pre-Event Benefits
      1. Event will be promoted as "Your Organization Name” Yantra 6.0
      2. Logo inclusion on Yantra & RAN Website for 1 year which has traffic of 100 visitors per day
      3. Sponsored highlight with details for Yantra & RAN Facebook for 5 Times
      4. A3 Poster in all the Engineering, IT & +2 colleges of Nepal as Summit Sponsor
      5. Logo and Name of Your Organization on Amazing Flyers which will be distributed for the events
      6. Highlighted logo on 200+ T-shirts for Volunteers and Organizer
      7. Highlighted logo on 1000 Yantra Ticket for visitor to entry into competition Hall
      8. Highlighted as Summit Sponsor on all Yantra Advertisment such as Street Arts, Print Media & Helium Balloon
      9. Name and logo on Yantra Social Initiatives
      10. SMS voting for participants
      11. Promotional video of event
      12. Highlight in Event App with total interaction of 10000 people.
    • Onsite Benefits
      1. Event will be promoted as "Your Organization Name” Yantra 6.0
      2. Main sponsors Stall (12ft * 6 ft ) during the event
      3. Logo on Sponsor Banner
      4. Logo on More than 300 Participants identity tag/Stickers
      5. Drop Down Banner during Drone Play Act
      6. Direction Poster
      7. Selfie Standee
      8. 10 separate Banner of 6*4 size during each events
      9. MC Announcement at Least 20 times during the Event
      10. Logo at Game field of all the events
      11. Highlight in Event App with total interaction of 10000 people
      12. Volunteers will be provided for the event day for stall management and other promotion assistance throughout the Yantra 6.0
    • Post-Event Benefits
      1. Yantra Certificate
      2. Yantra Video
      3. Yantra Report
      4. Yantra Printed News
      5. Token of Appreciation
      6. RAN will facilitate the institution to provide efficient technical manpowers for the institution being recruitment platform and can provide with interns if needed
      7. Yantra Magazine
    Cash or In-Kind support equivalent to Rs. 50,00,000 || $50,000
    Note : Other facilities can be provided with mutual negotiation.
  • Advance Base Camp Sponsor
    Advance Base Camp Sponsor
    • Pre-Event Benefits
      1. Event will be Promoted as Yantra 6.0 Art, Tech and Science Festival Brought to you by “Your Organization name"
      2. Sponsored highlight with details for Yantra & RAN Facebook for 3 Times
      3. Logo and Name of Your Organization on Yantra & RAN Website for 6 months which has traffic of 100 visitors per day
      4. Logo on all Poster in all the Engineering, IT & +2 colleges of Nepal
      5. Logo on Flyers which will be distributed for the events [At least our flyers will be distributed in five different huge events like Innovation in Education fair, Tech Conference, Miss Tech 2017, Nepal Engineers’ Day and others ]
      6. Name and logo on Yantra Social Initiatives
      7. 200 T-shirts for Volunteers, Organizer and Visitors
    • Onsite Benefits
      1. Main sponsors Stall during the event
      2. Logo on Sponsor Banner
      3. Drop Down Banner during Drone Play Act
      4. Direction Poster
      5. Selfie Standee
      6. MC Announcement at Least 10 times during the Event
      7. Logo at Game field of all the events
      8. 5 separate Banner of 6*4 size during each events
      9. Volunteers will be provided for the event day for stall management and other promotion assistance throughout the Yantra 6.0
    • Post-Event Benefits
      1. Logo and Acknowledgement on Yantra Video
      2. Logo and Acknowledgement on Yantra Report
      3. Logo on Token of Appreciation
      4. Yantra Printed news
      5. RAN will facilitate the institution to provide efficient technical manpowers for the institution being recruitment platform and can provide with interns if needed
    Cash or In-Kind support equivalent to Rs. 30,00,000 || $30,000
    Note : Other facilities can be provided with mutual negotiation.
  • Basecamp Sponsor
    Basecamp Sponsor
    • Pre-Event Benefits
      1. Event will be promoted as Yantra 6.0 Art, Tech and Science Festival In association with “Your Organization name”
      2. Logo and Name of Your Organization on Yantra Website for 6 months which has traffic of 50 people per day.
      3. Sponsored highlight with details on Yantra Facebook [3500+ likes, Will be sponsored 5 times before the event]
      4. Logo on Yantra Ticket for visitor to entry into competition Hall
      5. Logo on Poster in all the Engineering, IT & +2 colleges of Nepal
      6. Name and logo on Yantra Social Initiatives
      7. Flyers which will be distributed for the events[ At least our flyers will be distributed in five different huge events like Innovation in Education fair, Tech Conference, Miss Tech 2017, Nepal Engineers’ Day and others]
    • Onsite Benefits
      1. Main Sponsorship Stall on the event venue
      2. Logo on Sponsor Banner
      3. MC Announcement at Least 5 times during the Event
      4. Logo on all the promotional materials
      5. 3 separate Banner of 6*4 size during each events.Pneumatic actuator (design of pneumatic system)
    • Post-Event Benefits
      1. Logo and acknowledgement on Yantra Report
      2. Logo and ackowledgement on Yantra Video
      3. Logo on Token of Appreciation
    Cash or In-Kind support equivalent to Rs. 15,00,000 || $15,000
    Note : Other facilities can be provided with mutual negotiation.
  • Trailhead Sponsor
    Trailhead Sponsor
    • Pre-Event Benefits
      1. Event will be promoted as Yantra 6.0 Art,Tech and Science Festival supported by “Your Organization name”
      2. Name/link Inclusion
      3. Yantra Website for 3 months
      4. Yantra Facebook
      5. Poster in all the Engineering, IT & +2 colleges of Nepal
      6. Name and logo on Yantra Social Initiatives
      7. Flyers which will be distributed for the promotion of events.[At least our flyers will be distributed in five different huge events like Innovation in Education fair, Tech Conference, Miss Tech 2017, Nepal Engineers’ Day and others.]
    • Onsite Benefits
      1. Logo on Sponsor Banner
      2. Drop Down Banner during Drone Play Act
      3. Emcee Announcement at Least 3 times during the Event
      4. 1 separate Banner of 6*4 size during each events.
    • Post-Event Benefits
      1. Yantra Report
      2. Yantra Video
      3. Token of Appreciation
    Cash or In-Kind support equivalent to Rs. 5,00,000 || $5,000
    Note : Other facilities can be provided with mutual negotiation.
  • Crowdhead Sponsor
    Crowdhead Sponsor
    If you would not like to be a highlighted sponsor but would like to contribute financially please donate directly to Robotics Association of Nepal you will get following benefits as Crowdhead Sponsor.
    • For Rs. 1,00,000($1000), your company name will be placed as supporter for Banner, Yantra T-shirt and Appreciation.
    • For Rs 50,000($5000), you get a Yantra T Shirt and appreciation certificate.
    • For Rs 25,000($250), you get a appreciation certificate but you will not be recognized as Sponsors.
Beside this, if you want to be partner of our event, there are other different ways to support Yantra, what we believe is we want long term work with you and partnership as well. Mutual Benefits can always take us forward. Here are list of partnership areas:
Media Partner
Venue Partner
Food Partner
Banking Partner
Transportation Partner
Hospitality Partner
Association Partner
Steel Partner
Forum Partner
Social Business Partner
Event App Partner
Printing Partner
Corporate Partner
Government Partner
Construction Partner
Smartphone Partner
Tshirt Partner
Animation Partner
Online Shopping Partner
Consultant Partner
Medical Partner
Clothing Partner
Flight Partner
ISP Partner
Award Partner
Drink Partner

Yantra 6.0 | Organizers

Er Manoj Lekhak
Yantra Co-ordinator
Er Manoj Lekhak
Yantra IRC Lead
Er Manoj Lekhak
Yantra Art Tech Lead
Er Manoj Lekhak
Yantra Learning Lead
Er Manoj Lekhak
Yantra Kids Lead
Er Manoj Lekhak
Yantra Space Lead
Er Manoj Lekhak
Yantra Racer Lead
Er Manoj Lekhak
Yantra Manual Akhada Lead
Er Manoj Lekhak
Yantra Automatic Akhada Lead
Er Manoj Lekhak
Yantra National League Lead
Rabi Raj Khadka
Rabi Raj Khadka
Rabi Raj Khadka
Rabi Raj Khadka
Rabi Raj Khadka
Rabi Raj Khadka